Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 3, 2014


Surveys Paid offered an introduction with less fanfare and a softer sales pitch than the typical paid survey site, but the overall experience was fairly good.

When we first accessed the Surveys Paid homepage, we were greeted by banner graphics advertising the benefits of being a paid survey taker — easy work, make money fast, avoid annoying bosses, set your own schedule, etc. The points made by the site were similar to the reasons most sites give to encourage people to join, with the exception of no sales message touting why their site was better than every other site out there. We found this lack of a hard-sell to be very refreshing.
Surveys Paid Review photo 01.
Once we clicked past the homepage, we were taken to another sales page with a few banner ads at the top and a registration link at the bottom. The registration was a three step process. The first step involved selecting a half-off coupon. At step two, the price for registration dropped from $68 to $34 and announced it was a one-time only charge with a 60-day money back guarantee. An additional 99 cents in taxes was added to the price, making the total fee $34.99. At the third step, we opted to pay by credit card. We also entered the email address that would be our username for the site. After entering our billing information, we were taken to a sales page showing additional offers we could add to our purchase. We were able to skip this page and the second sales page that followed by scrolling to the bottom and selecting the “no thanks” option. Finally, a pop-up window appeared asking for a phone number to complete our registration. We closed the pop-up window without entering any information and received no error messages.
Once registration was complete, we clicked a button that took us to the member’s area. We bookmarked this area to avoid going through the homepage, but were pleased to find with Surveys Paid that bookmarking was not necessary. The member’s area is easy to access from the homepage. You can reach it by selecting the Members Login option from the top of the homepage. After you enter your information, you are taken to the exclusive member’s area without having to pass through annoying sales screens.
The member’s area section is easy to navigate. During the month we used the site, it included two limited time offers — one for writing jobs and another for getting a free money making website. Although the offers were advertised as being available for a limited time, the same offers appeared to be listed during the entire period for which we reviewed the site.
The member’s area also included a link to a getting started guide. The guide offers six steps for users. The first step described how to use Surveys Paid. The second step was another sales pitch for the free money making website offer. The third step described how paid surveys work. The fourth step offered tips for maximizing earnings. The fifth step advised users to start taking surveys. The final step mentioned other ways to make money online. It didn’t include earth-shattering news or announcements, but was a quick read and worth a few minutes of time from anyone new to the world of online surveys.
The bottom of the member’s area included four membership bonuses. The first link, Get Paid to Write Articles, offered links to a freelancing website and a writing jobs website. The second link, Get Paid to Read Emails, offered links to five sites that pay users for reading emails. The third link, Get Paid to Eat Out, suggested users could make money by becoming secret restaurant customers but contained no links or website names to get started. The final link, Get Paid to be a Secret Shopper, was similar to the third. It suggested users could make money by registering to be a secret shopper, but offered no advice or links to find such a company.
The link on the website we were most interested in was right in the middle of the page in a large green button labeled Paid Survey Database. Upon clicking the button, we were taken to a screen that asked us to indicate our country. We selected United States, and the survey list was populated with the names, links, and descriptions for 165 sites. At the bottom of the page was a link to a bonus program that promised to pay $25 if we submitted proof of our first payout from a paid survey opportunity. We had not received a payout at the time of this review, so were not able to verify the legitimacy of this offer. We can substantiate that of the 165 sites offered on the list, 92 were what we would consider legitimate survey sites. However, of the sites not included in this count, a low number included bad links or duplicate survey sites. They still linked to real opportunities, just with limitations generally related to occupation, geographic location, or some other qualifier.
The opportunities available on Surveys Paid are numerous and provide a number of interesting options. We question the likelihood of users making enough money to quit their day jobs, but for the patient, dedicated member, it could lead to some fun bonus payments.
Surveys Paid photo 02.
What’s included:

  • Membership for a one-time fee of $34.99
  • Getting Started Guide for new users
  • Access to other money making opportunities
  • Extensive list of survey sites
Pros of this site:

  • One-time only fee with a 60-day money back guarantee
  • Easy to navigate
  • Very few annoying sales ads
  • Long list of survey sites with relatively few bad links
  • Access to harder-to-find and more obscure survey sites
  • No annoying email messages selling additional services
  • Cash back offer upon proof of first payout
Cons of this site:

  • List of survey sites could be organized into categories for faster navigation
  • Two of the four membership bonuses contained no links for more information
  • Many of the surveys sites provided few cash-paying opportunities
  • Compensation claims overstated
Bullet green arrow large.Click to visit the Official Surveys Paid Website